Have your say on the Elections consultations
Interim Review of Polling Places
The Council is carrying out an interim review of a limited number of polling places that have become unavailable for use as detailed here
The Council will consider the review proposals and consultation comments at its meeting to be held on Thursday 1 October 2020 and will publish the outcome of the review after the meeting.
If you wish to make a comment or representation on the proposals, please email regelec@ashfield.gov.uk by the deadline of 15 September 2020.
Any further information may be obtained by contacting Electoral Services on 01623 457 321 or emailing regelec@ashfield.gov.uk
Consultation on Change of Electoral Area Names
Section 59 of Local Government and Public Involvement Act 2007 allows a local authority to change the name of an electoral area by resolution passed at a specially convened meeting for that purpose.
The resolution must be passed by a majority of at least two thirds of the members voting on it. The local authority must not pass the resolution unless it has taken reasonable steps to consult.
The Council is consulting on changes to Ward Names.
The consultation runs from 18 August – 15 September 2020. Comments can be made by emailing regelec@ashfield.gov.uk
A specially convened meeting will be held on 1 October 2020 to consider changes and consultation responses.