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Appendix 2 – ADC net emissions values included in analysis

Within the report, the net emissions per category are analysed. These take the total gross emissions as presented in Appendix 1, minus emissions reductions from renewable consumption. The emissions however are slightly greater than the ‘Net emissions’ as shown in Appendix 1, as exported renewable electricity production has not been taken off the emissions for any one category; these emissions are taken off the overall gross footprint to give the true net emissions.


Scope Type 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20
Scope 1 Gas 879.12 951.28 880.48 945.95 979.53
Scope 1 Biomass 4.01 11.77 12.28 8.33 8.78
Scope 1 Fleet 1,073.35 1,125.80 1,113.88 1,066.32 1,032.74
Scope 1 Fugitive emissions 3.84 3.84 3.84 3.84 3.84
Scope 2 Electricity (net, location-based approach) 1,009.95 900.49 732.28 552.37 505.77
Scope 3 Purchased goods and services 5,844.86 5,200.16 4,804.81 4,126.83 4,004.17
Scope 3  Capital goods 5,851.14 4,327.23 4,651.96 2,632.96 4,143.22
Scope 3  Fuel- and energy-related activities (net) 615.50 634.56 632.33 540.47 514.76
Scope 3 Upstream transportation and distribution 998.84 1,000.24 877.85 964.03 1,026.72
Scope 3 Waste generated in operations 37.71 42.79 47.22 52.14 50.25
Scope 3 Business travel 92.99 91.34 83.28 80.55 71.65
Scope 3  Employee commuting 1,106.22 1,114.45 1,047.57 995.02 935.71
Scope 3  Downstream leased assets (net) 226.06 181.81 135.70 172.79 129.59
Scope 3 Investments 4,224.94 5,212.81 14,147.57 6,899.86 22,730.47
Totals Total emissions (in CMP report analysis) 21,968.5 20,798.6 29,171.0 19,041.4 36,137.2


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