VAT and tax
Understanding what your tax and VAT obligations are can be difficult for a new business. So we've listed some useful ways that you can learn more about this.
Know your tax obligations
Register for tax self-assessment on the government's website:
- website: Register for self-assessment- GOV.UK
HMRC can also offer business self-employment start-up information:
For the range of taxes that maybe applicable for a start-up business:
- website: Business tax - GOV.UK
There is also a self-assessment ready reckoner available to help customers budget for their first tax bill and tax help fact sheets, which are a good source of straightforward guidance that you can download.
HMRC have some fantastic e-learning products. Access the links here to the most popular titles:
- website: Help and support if you’re self employed - GOV.UK
- website: Help and support for employing people - GOV.UK
They contain everything you need to know about being self-employed and employing someone. You can work through this at your own pace and dip in and out to suit your own needs. Thousands of businesses have already used these and found they are a great way of learning. Why not give it a try now?
HMRC run a wide variety of webinars (online presentations) that can help you to get things right from the start. Webinars last less than an hour and you can either choose between a pre-recorded webinar available at any time, and a live and interactive webinar where you also get the opportunity to ask questions.
Record keeping mobile apps
There are a range of smart phone record keeping apps supplied by third parties to help you run your business.
Tax help fact sheets
Have a look at HMRC’s Tax help fact sheets. They cover a range of subjects such as self-assessment, expenses, and allowances for the self-employed, employing someone for the first time, VAT, and limited companies.
HMRC on YouTube
If you are looking for bite-sized chunks of information on a range of tax matters, why not access HMRC’s YouTube channel. There are numerous YouTube clips to help you; some lasting for less than one minute.
- website: HMRC YouTube Channel
Entrepreneurs tax relief
This is also known as business asset disposal relief. It’s a scheme that allows start-up companies to pay less Capital Gains Tax when they sell (or ‘dispose of’) all or part of their business. This means you will only pay 10% CGT. To qualify for this relief, both of the following must apply for at least 2 years up to the date that you sell your business:
- You’re a sole trader or business partner
- You’ve owned the business for at least 2 years
Useful Apps:
The business support tax app allows access to all the above products via your tablet or mobile device. It is available on:
- app store: Apple store
- app store: Google play