Local Business suppliers submission form
As a council, we procure a wide range of goods and services of varying values.
Not all procurement is required to go to open tender; our contract procedure rules allow for procurement under £5000 to be supported by a purchase order.
Procurement over £5000, but under £25,000 requires 3 quotes and procurement over £25,000 requires a tender exercise unless a framework is used.
To support our local market, we have created a business directory for our officers to use, to find local procurement opportunities in relation to lower threshold procurement.
Sign your business up to our local business suppliers directory
If your business is:
- located within Ashfield district
then your business is eligible to be included in the directory.
To submit your business details to be included in the directory, please completing this online form.
We will review the details of the business directory annually to keep it up to date therefore annual registration will be required.