Pay your rent online, see latest statements, book and view repairs through the Tenant Portal.
Adapting your council home
As a council tenant you or someone living with you may need adjustments or adaptations to be made to your home to make it suitable for your needs.
Small scale adaptations
Small scale adaptations typically include things such as fitting a key safe or a grab rail. You can apply directly to us. We'll get in touch once we have your application.
We do not accept applications for grab handles in any area over a bath. If difficulties are being experienced accessing a bath safely you will need to speak with Nottinghamshire County Council. You can contact them by:
- telephone: 0300 500 8080.
Large scale adaptation
Large scale adaptations typically include things such as a wetroom or stair lift. You will need to be referred to us by Nottinghamshire County Council. You can contact them by:
- telephone: 0300 500 8080.
Major adaptations
Major adaptations typically include things such as a ground floor extension or a through-floor lift. Referrals are made to us by Nottinghamshire County Council. You can contact them by:
- telephone: 0300 500 8080.