Energy Efficient Grants ECO 4
The Government’s ‘Energy Company Obligation’ (ECO) requires energy companies to provide energy saving measures to low income and vulnerable households.
The scheme in its current form will run until 31 March 2026.
Who is eligible?
- Social housing with an energy efficiency ratings of EPC band E and below
- Privately owned houses with an efficiency ratings of EPC band D and below
- All households in social housing.
- Private households who meet the thresholds for low income.
The low income threshold is reached if the household:
- Earns less than £31,000
- Or receives any of these means tested benefits:
- Income based Jobseekers allowance
- Income related Employment and Support Allowance
- Income Support
- Pension Credit with Guarantee Credit
- Working Tax Credit
- Child Tax Credit
- Universal Credit
- Housing Benefit
- Pension Credit with Savings Credit
- Or has an EPC rating of E or below, and meets 2 of these criteria:
- Is in Lower Super Output Areas 1 -3 (to find out if your postcode fall in this area, visit the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities website)
- Is receiving a Council Tax rebate (excluding single person rebates)
- Is identified at vulnerable due to a cold home by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence
- Is receiving free school meals due to low income
- Is in a Council run scheme, and that has been identified by the council as a low income household
- Has been referred to the Council for support with their energy bills by Citizen’s Advice or their energy supplier.
What could I get?
This grant scheme could allow you to get energy efficiency upgrades for your home. This could include:
- Loft insulation
- Cavity wall insulation
- Solid wall insulation
- Gas boiler replacement (homeowners only)
- First time central heating
- Heat pump
- Solar Panels
Additionally, homeowners could get a replacement oil/LPG boiler if renewable heating is not viable in the property.
Priority will be given to installing insulation before other energy efficient upgrades.
Who to contact about ECO4 grants
Potentially eligible households should apply directly through one of the providers of the scheme listed on the OFGEM website.