Housing annual report 2023 to 2024
Our Lettings Service is responsible for the allocation of our Housing stock. We have 6680 properties and have 4395 people on our waiting list. With 430 properties let during the year, demand is high in comparison to supply. Vacant properties are advertised on a weekly basis for applicants to express an interest in. The shortlisted applicants for each property are prioritised in order of their priority banding. We do this through our online Choice Based Lettings scheme called Homefinder. This is available at:
- website: amhomefinder
Properties let in 2023 to 2024
430 properties were let in 2023 - 2024 at an average of 28.1 days for standard voids.
Of the properties let to the waiting list, 227 applicants were in Band 1 ‘emergency’ need, 92 in Band 2 ‘urgent’ need, 48 in Band 3 ‘low’ need, 0 in Band 4 ‘demoted’ applicants and 20 in Band 5 ‘no’ housing need. In addition, 43 properties were let to applicants approved for a management or ‘direct let’.
The 430 properties let to applicants from the waiting list included 92 bungalows, 146 houses, 171 flats, 2 maisonettes and 19 studio flats.
Mutual exchanges
In 2023 -2024, 27 tenants moved home by way of mutual exchange. Tenants can register and search for a suitable exchange by visiting:
- website: homeswapper
During the year new homes were completed on A total of 77 new additions to the housing stock - 62 new build properties and 15 acquisitions.
More new homes will be built and added to the stock in 2023 - 2024, with work on site at Central Avenue, Kirkby in Ashfield plus other sites in the pipeline. There is also an active buy-back programme for ex-council homes.
Tenancy services
Collecting rent
Rent is our main source of income. If we don’t collect rent, we have less money to spend on the upkeep and management of our properties.
Despite the financial climate which has presented many challenges to tenants, our rent collection levels are above average and we have performed at a top quartile level against other similar organisations as benchmarked by Housemark.
Type | Performance | Performance |
Percentage of rent collected as a percentage of rent due (excluding arrears brought forward) | 98.44% | 99% |
Percentage of rent collected from total rent due | 97.02% | 98% |
Current Tenant Arrears
Year | Performance | Target | Housemark Quartile Position |
2023 to 2024 | 1.49% | 1.6% | Top quartile performance in this area (based on the annual pulse report) for LA &ALMOs with less than 10k stock was 2.04% |
Our target for 2024 - 2025 is 1.6%:
In 2023 - 2024:
- 244 Notice of Seeking Possession and a further 12 Notice of Possession Proceedings for Intro Tenants were issued to tenants due to rent arrears and tenancy issues
- 16 tenants were evicted for non-payment of rent and one for both rent and ASB.
Tenancy support
In 2023 - 2024, the Housing Service has worked to deliver outcomes for our customers with:
- Over £101,000 has been accessed in welfare benefits, housing and council tax benefits and grants and white goods from charitable trusts for tenants
- 1093 Council tenants assisted with welfare and money management advice
- 539 Council tenants provided with tenancy support of which;
- 100% of tenants in their tenancy after 6 months, following the completion of the support package provided by the Tenancy Sustainment Officers.
Housing repairs and maintenance
Property repairs is our busiest service, we appreciate that having something go wrong or break in your home can be frustrating and so we aim to offer a service which is both easy to get through to and prompt in attending to the property at your convenience.
Repairs Service performance
During 2023 -2024 our Repairs Service performed as follows:
All repairs
- 35,975 repairs completed
- Including 4249 emergency repairs
Responsive repairs only
- 30,238 repairs completed
- Including 4249 emergency repairs
Average time taken to complete responsive repairs
- 15.92 calendar days
Repairs completed on time
- Repairs completed on time – 90.05% (All repairs)
- Repairs completed on time – 91.72% (Responsive only)
Repairs Call Handling Centre
- Total calls received – 45,796
- Total calls answered – 43,786
- 95.6% calls answered
- Average call ring time 51 seconds
Planned improvements
A range of planned works was completed in 2023 - 2024, which made improvements to our homes and surrounding areas including, but not limited to, boiler replacements, pre-painting and painting works, window replacement, external doors, roof coverings, fencing, pathways, aids and adaptations and general site maintenance works.
Customer feedback/complaints
Please see separate Annual Complaints Performance and Service Improvement and Tenant Satisfaction Measures reports.
Finances cost breakdown per £1 spent in 2023 to 2024:
Finance type | 2023 - 2024 | 2022 - 2023 |
Loan interest | £0.13 | £0.13 |
Major improvements | £0.16 | £0.15 |
Management costs | £0.15 | £0.17 |
New homes | £0.24 | £0.20 |
Repairs | £0.27 | £0.29 |
Service and support costs | £0.06 | £0.06 |

For more information about our finances, please visit our dedicated web pages:
- link: Financial information