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Transparency code

We have an obligation to publish a range of information to comply with the Transparency Code 2015.

The code has been designed to give increased democratic accountability and make it easier for local people to contribute to the local decision making process and help shape public services.

As part of our commitment to transparency and open data, we are continuously reviewing the data sets we make available with a view to increasing the amount of information we make available and the frequency with which we publish it.

Open Government Licence

All of our data is available to use or re-use under the Open Government Licence. This is a free open licence for public sector bodies to license the use and re-use of their information and data easily.

If you are intending to use or re-use any of our data please note the conditions of the licence. If we require you to make a specific form of attribution, this will be clearly referenced on the information concerned.

Payments to suppliers

The latest information on payments to suppliers can be found in the procurement section of the website.

Contractors and tenders advertised

For details about tenders please go to the following websites:

If you experience difficulty in finding the information you require then please contact us on:

  • telephone: 01623 457185

Land and property

Grants to voluntary and community groups

Organisational information

Trade Union facility time


Car park numbers

Car park account

Salaries £50,000 and over


Pay multiple


Housing Benefit Fraud Investigation is now managed by the Department for Work and Pension’s Fraud and Error Service.

Waste contract

The waste collection is provided in-house therefore there is no contract.

Procurement over £5,000

Details of any contract, commissioned activity, purchase order, framework agreement and any other legally enforceable agreement with a value over £5000.

Social housing