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Additional housing site allocations consultation

Ashfield Local Plan 2023 – 2040: Additional housing site allocations consultation

Ashfield District Council submitted its Local Plan to the Planning Inspectorate in April 2024.The first week of public examination hearings took place during 12 to 14 November 2024, to discuss matters 1-3 relating to procedural and legal requirements including duty to co-operate, meeting Ashfield’s housing needs and the spatial strategy and the distribution of development.

A post hearing letter from the Inspectors (INS05) was received by the Council on 6 January 2025. The letter asked the Council to undertake further work before hearings may continue for Matters 4 to 12. The hearings have been postponed until further notice. 

The Council responded (ADC.09/ ADC.10) to the Inspector’s letter setting out the intention to undertake immediate work in identifying further sites of less than 500 dwellings, in accordance with the submitted plan’s spatial strategy.

Following a decision at Full Council on 17 February 2025, the Council has proposed 13 additional housing sites which form part of the consultation. The proposed sites together with amendments to Policy H1 supporting text have been assessed through an update to the Sustainability Appraisal, Habitat Regulations Assessment and Equalities Impact Assessment. Under the Town and Country (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012 (as amended), the Council is required to carry out a minimum 6 week period of public consultation on the potential new housing site allocations.

Potential additional sites

Site Description
Central Avenue, Kirkby Council owned site where 16 new council houses are currently being constructed.
Abbey Road, Kirkby Approved by Planning Committee for 38 new homes, subject to the signing of a section 106 legal agreement in respect of developer contributions.
Southwell Lane, Kirkby Brownfield site, potential to build 60 homes.
Former Kirkland’s Care Home, Fairhaven, Kirkby Council is bringing forward this site for construction of 20 new council houses.
Pond Hole, Kirkby Part of the Kirkby Town Masterplan and our town centre regeneration programme, intention to build 54 homes.
Former Wyvern Club site, Lane End, Kirkby Part of the Kirkby Town Masterplan and our town centre regeneration programme, intention to build 12 homes.
Ellis Street, Kirkby Part of the Kirkby Town Masterplan and our town centre regeneration programme, intention to build 24 homes.
Pendean Way Planning permission granted to build 12 homes.
Between Redcliffe St and Leyton Avenue, Sutton Approved by Planning Committee for 18 new homes, subject to the signing of a section 106 legal agreement in respect of developer contributions.
Rookery Lane, Sutton Approved by Planning Committee for 78 new homes, subject to the signing of a section 106 legal agreement in respect of developer contributions.
Newark Road/ Coxmoor Road Planning approval issued by the Government’s Planning Inspector in February 2025.
Beck Lane South, Skegby Additional site, potential to build 106 new homes.
Radford's Farm, Dawgates Lane, Skegby Approved by Planning Committee for 90 new homes, subject to the signing of a section 106 legal agreement in respect of developer contributions.

Consultation documents

The Council has created a response form for the submission of comments on the above documents. Frequently Asked Questions below provide additional information on the consultation.

Additional housing site allocations consultation form

Alternatively, you can request a Word version of the form to complete from the Forward Planning team:

Consultation form documents

Consultation period

The 6 week period of consultation starts on 20 February 2025 and closes at 5pm on Thursday 3 April 2025. Comments received after this time cannot be considered by the Council.

Whilst the Council will be compiling a summary of the representations received, it will not be responding to them. Representations received will be submitted to the Planning Inspectors for consideration. The summary will be made available on the Council website. It is not the role of the council to respond to any representations as the details may be subject to change. Following the completion of the consultation, comments will be presented to members in order to determine the appropriate way forward.

Paper copies of the consultation documents, including response forms can be viewed at the following locations:

  • Sutton in Ashfield Library, Idlewells Shopping Centre, Sutton
  • Council Offices, Urban Road, Kirkby
  • Kirkby in Ashfield Library, Ashfield Precinct, Kirkby
  • Selston Parish Hall, Mansfield Road, Selston
  • Hucknall Library, South Street, Hucknall

All documents, including the Sustainability Appraisal addendum and Habitat Regulations Assessment Addendum can be viewed and downloaded through links on this webpage. They can be viewed in person at the reception at the Council’s Main Council Offices, Urban Road, Kirkby In Ashfield.

Evidence base

The current evidence base is available on the Local Plan evidence base page. Please note that the evidence base will change over time as studies are updated.

Further information or assistance

If you require any further information or assistance in completing the Representation Form or for further information on the consultation, please contact the Forward Planning Team at: