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Penalty Charge Notice (PCN)

We manage off street parking enforcement in our car parks, including fines (Penalty Charge Notices - PCNs). In problem areas we will use public CCTV to tackle dangerous parking.

Penalty Charge Notice

There are 2 levels of penalty charge notice (PCN), also called parking tickets.

PCNs can be issued to vehicles parked in contravention of the regulations. Depending on the contravention they can be at 2 different levels.

  • £50 reduced to £25 if paid within 14 days, after issue of Charge Certificate rises to £75
  • £70 reduced to £35 if paid within 14 days, after issue of Charge Certificate, rises to £105.

Paying a parking penalty charge notice (PCN)

Parking penalty notices (PCNs) can be paid online through the Nottinghamshire County Council website.

Pay a parking penalty charge notice

Appeal a parking penalty charge notice (PCN)

You can appeal against a parking penalty notice (PCN) through the Nottinghamshire County Council website.

Appeal a parking penalty charge notice