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Housing strategy and research

We are committed to improving housing and housing services. On this page will you find copies of strategies that help us plan improvements to our service, and help make Ashfield a better place to live.

The team is responsible for responding to consultation on new housing policies from central Government and drafting any new policies needed locally.

Strategic housing services

The Housing Strategy 2024 to 2026 is the overarching document, setting out the Council’s housing priorities for the coming years. The strategy is underpinned by 4 specialist sub-strategies, each of which has a bespoke action plan.

Affordable housing delivery strategy and action plan

This strategy focuses on maximising the number of new affordable homes that are built each year in Ashfield.

Take a look at what we’ve achieved in the last few years and our plans for 2023 to 2025:

Private sector renewal strategy and action plan

This strategy focuses on tackling the number of non-decent homes in the private sector, the number of empty homes, and the health and wellbeing of private residents.

This strategy is supported by the Private Sector Renewal Policy, that describes that assistance available from us to improve private sector housing conditions.

Take a look at what we’ve achieved in the last few years and our plans for 2023 to 2025:

Strategic tenancy strategy

The Strategic Tenancy Strategy provides guidance that we encourage all social housing providers operating within the district to follow when they provide tenancies to applicants. Linked to this tenancy strategy is the Homefinder Lettings Policy that sets out the rules for letting social provider properties in the Ashfield and Mansfield districts.

Home Energy Conservation Act 1995

The Home Energy Conservation Act 1995 (HECA) requires all local authorities (LAs) in England to demonstrating what energy conservation measures they have adopted to improve the energy performance of residential accommodation within that LA’s area. This covers measures to improve properties in the owner-occupier, private rented sector, and social rented sector.