Council Celebrates International Women’s Day
Ashfield District Council celebrated International Women’s Day on Wednesday 8 March 2023 by raising awareness and celebrating the work undertaken by the Council to improve the quality of life for women across the District.
The Council has undertaken a range of measures over the past year to support women. This includes developing safe spaces across the District in a bid to end violence against women and girls, support to women seeking refuge through safe and affordable housing, security interventions in properties, and specialist 1-2-1 support through the Council’s Complex Case and Domestic Abuse Team.
Recent work includes teaming up with businesses across Sutton, Hucknall and Kirkby to provide safe havens for women and girls, installing specialised Safe Point cameras in town centres and increasing its public space CCTV cameras. The Council delivers annual events and campaigns to raise awareness and has put in place a Vulnerable Adult Support Scheme to assist survivors of abuse and provide support to vulnerable residents.
The Council holds White Ribbon Accreditation meaning we have the highest standards when addressing violence against women and girls, gender inequality, and embedding policies and practices that empowers women within the Community.
Chief Executive, Theresa Hodgkinson said: "As the first permanent female CEO of the District I am proud to be able to help in raising awareness supporting and celebrating the amazing women in Ashfield.”