Publication scheme
The Freedom of Information Act 2000 gives a general right of access to all types of recorded information held by public authorities. It also sets out exemptions from that right of access and places a number of obligations on public authorities, including us.
Any person who makes a request to a public authority for information must be informed whether the public authority holds that information and, subject to exemptions, supplied with that information.
Individuals also have the right of access to information about themselves under the Data Protection Act 2018. You can request this information from us.
- link: Data protection
Section 19 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 requires every public authority to adopt and maintain a Publication Scheme, which has been approved by the Information Commissioner and to publish information in accordance with that Scheme.
The Information Commissioner has issued a Model Publication Scheme to be adopted by all public authorities:
- website: Model Publication Scheme
Our publication scheme
We have based our Publication Scheme on the Model Publication issued by the Information Commission which provides seven classes of information:
Who we are and what we do
- Council constitution
- council democratic structure
- organisational chart
- location and opening times of council properties
- currently elected councillors and their contact details
- most recent election results
- relationships with other authorities, partnership arrangements and shared services
What we spend and how we spend it
- Financial Statements, budgets and variance reports
- Capital programme
- Spending reviews
- financial audit reports
- the members' allowances scheme and the allowances paid under it to councillors each year
- staff allowances and expenses
- pay and grading structure
- election expenses (returns or declarations and accompanying documents relating to election expenses sent to the council) - These are available to view and take notes from for 2 years from the date of the election.
- Please contact us if you wish to view them by email at:
- procurement procedures
- details of contracts and tenders to businesses and to the voluntary community and social enterprise sector
- details of grants to the voluntary community and social enterprise sector
- district auditor's report
- financial statements for projects and events
- internal financial regulations
- funding for partnership arrangements.
What our priorities are and how we are doing
- Annual reports
- strategies and business plans for services provided by the council
- Best Value local performance plan
- internal and external organisational performance reviews, including external audits
- strategies developed in partnership with other authorities
- economic development plan
- Forward Plan
- Capital strategy
- Best Value performance indicators
- district auditor's reports on the best value performance plan and performance indicators
- comprehensive performance assessment
- inspection reports
- Local Area Agreements
- statistical information produced in accordance with the council's and departmental requirements
- impact assessments
- Privacy Impact Assessments
- general privacy statement
- data matching - Audit/National Fraud Initiatives
- service standards
- file plans
- public service agreements.
How we make decisions
- Timetable of council meetings
- agendas, officers' reports, background papers and minutes of council committee, sub committee and standing forum meetings
- major policy proposals and decisions
- facts and analyses of facts considered when framing major policies
- public consultations
- internal communications guidance, criteria used for decision making, internal instructions, manuals and guidelines
- Cabinet Forward Plan.
Our policies and procedures
- Policies and procedures for conducting council business
- policies and procedures for delivering services
- pay policy statement
- policies and procedures about the recruitment and employment of staff
- customer service
- records management and personal data policies
- data protection
- Freedom of Information
- Environmental Information Regulations
- Re-use of Public Sector Information Regulations
- charging regimes and policies.
Lists and registers
- Public registers and registers held as public records:
- burial registers - cemetery records online
- contaminated land information requests
- land and property availability lists
- listed buildings
- Local Land Charges - Access to Information List
- Local Land Charges Register
- Asset Register
- register of electors
- asset registers and information asset register
- disclosure logs
- register of councillors' financial and other interests
- senior officers' declaration of interests
- register of gifts and hospitality
- highways, licensing, planning, commons, footpaths etc
- register of electors.
Services provided by us
- Planning process
- licensing
- services for businesses
- services for which we are entitled to recover a fee, including those fees
- media releases
- elections
- how to become a councillor.
How much do publications cost?
We recognise making information available proactively is in the public interest and imposing high levels of charges for routine information could be seen to undermine public access to official information. Most of the information made available under the Model Publication Scheme is published on this website and will be made available no cost.
The Model Publication Scheme allows for fees to be charged where it can be justified. We will only charge a fee where a statutory charge applies or the information is provided in hard copy form.
How are they published?
Most of the information made available under the Model Publication Scheme is published on this website. Where the document or information is not available on the website, this guide to information will specify who to contact to arrange an appointment to view or obtain copies.
What about information not published under the Publication Scheme?
Information held by us which has not been published under this scheme can be requested in writing under the Freedom of information Act:
- website: Freedom of Information Act
The publication of the scheme is a requirement of Section 19 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
A scheme is a commitment to routinely and proactively provide information to the public. It is important therefore that the scheme meets your needs. We welcome suggestions for additional information that could be included or how the scheme might be improved.
If you have any questions, comments or complaints about this scheme you can contact us by:
- email:
- post:
Legal Services
Ashfield District Council
Urban Road
Kirkby in Ashfield
NG17 8DA.