Defibrillators in Ashfield

Defibrillators are devices that can help save the life of someone who has gone into cardiac arrest. They do this by giving a high energy electric shock to the heart. The devices can be found in many public places such as council offices, shopping centres, schools and medical centres. These can be used by anyone in an emergency situation.
There are a number of ways in which a defibrillator can be referred to. These include, Public Access Defibrillator (PAD), Automated External Defibrillator (AED) or simply defib.
Whilst you do not need to be trained to use the device as clear instructions are provided, it is advisable to also call the emergency services, 999 as they will know where the closet defibrillator is located in the district, provide the code to access it and assist with instructions to use it.
Where are the nearest defibrillators in Ashfield?
You can locate your nearest defibrillator in Ashfield on The Circuit Defib Finder website. This website is managed by the British Heart Foundation and contains the locations of all defibrillators registered with the Circuit National Registration Network.
- website: The Circuit Defib Finder
Giving CPR through the use of a defibrillator will give someone the best possible chance of survival if they experience a cardiac arrest.
In addition to where to find your nearest defibrillator, more information on defibrillators and how to use them can be found on the Circuit Defib Finder site.