Report needles and sharp items
We will clean and dispose of litter from areas we are responsible for, including if the litter includes needles, syringes, or other sharp items such as glass.
If you see needles or syringes do not touch them.
To make a report you will need to know:
- where the needles and syringes, or other rubbish, is.
Once reported we will attend to see how much rubbish there is and if it is our responsibility. If so, we will remove it.
Report needles, syringes or other sharp items
Other ways to report needles and syringes
If you cannot report the needle, syringes or other sharp items using our online form you can contact us by:
- email:
- telephone: 01623 450000 (option 3 waste and environment, option 3 again for other enquiries)