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Sign up to have your garden waste collected for £35 a year and save yourself some trips to the tip.
The cost is £35 for at least 20 collections made fortnightly during the collection season, between March and December.
If you need more than one garden waste bin, you can add extra bins at £20 each a year.
If you sign up and make a payment at any time after 1st March, you will be subscribing for any remaining collections during that year's season (March to December), up to and including the December collection in that year's.
This means depending on when you sign up for the collection service, you may receive less than 20 collections within the year you have subscribed, and you will need to renew your subscription to the service each year.
Pay for your garden waste collection online now - we will process your request within 10 working days and your collections will start on the first scheduled day after this date.
You will need to pay annually for each season before 1 March to receive the full amount of collections during that year's collection season (March to December collections).
You can pay for the current March to December collection season with a debit or credit card through our online payment system:
Pay for garden waste collection using Ashfield 24/7
Pay for garden waste collection as a guest
When you sign up, you’ll be given an extra bin with a brown or black lid.
You can check the bin calendar to check when your next collection is due. You can sign up any time during the season but the cost will remain the same.
If you sign up to have your garden waste collected we will give you an extra bin with a brown or black lid. You can put the following in it:
You should not put the following items in your garden waste bin:
Food waste can be composted or put in your general waste bin (with the red lid).
If you need a compost bin or kitchen caddy you can get one from Get Composting at a discounted price.
If you do put any of the prohibited items listed in your garden waste bin, we won't be able to empty it for you. We do make regular checks on what has been placed in garden waste bins placed out to be emptied.
Other items, or where you have a lot of waste from a garden clearance, can be taken to the recycling centre (tip). For information on local recycling centres (tips) take a look at the county council website.
If you need a new bin because it is damaged or broken please contact us:
If you no longer want to have your garden waste collected contact us:
We’ll remove your brown - or black-lid bin after you cancel the collection with us. We don’t give refunds even where you cancel part-way through the season.