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NR3S Refusals, Revocations & Suspensions

National Register of Taxi Licence Refusals, Revocations & Suspensions (NR3S)

The Licensing Authority (Ashfield District Council) provides information to the National Register of Taxi Licence Refusals, Revocations and Suspensions (NR3S), a mechanism for Licensing Authorities to share details of individuals who have had a Hackney Carriage and / or Private Hire Driver Licence revoked or suspended, or an application for one refused.

This is necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority vested in the licensing authority – that is, assessing whether an individual is a fit and proper person to hold a Hackney Carriage & Private Hire (Dual) Driver Licence.


  • Where a Hackney Carriage & Private Hire (Dual) Driver licence is revoked or suspended, or an application for one refused, the authority will automatically record this decision on NR3S.
  • All applications for a new licence or licence renewal will automatically be checked on NR3S. If a search of NR3 indicates a match with an applicant, the authority will seek further information about the entry on the register from the authority which recorded it. Any information received as a result of an NR3S search will only be used in respect of the specific license application and will not be retained beyond the determination of that application.

The information recorded on NR3S itself will be limited to:

  • Name
  • Date of birth
  • Address and contact details
  • National Insurance number
  • DVLA Driver Licence number
  • Decision taken
  • Date of decision
  • Date decision effective

Information will be retained on the NR3S database for a period of 25 years.

This is a mandatory part of applying for / being granted / continuing to hold a Hackney Carriage & Private Hire (Dual) Driver Licence.

Information obtained by this Council about applicants / existing licence holders who are listed on the NR3S database, will result in this Council seeking information from the Council that entered the persons details onto the database, in order for this Council to further assess the applicant / existing licence holders’ suitability to be granted / continue to hold a licence with this Council.

In turn, decisions made by this Council recorded on NR3S will be open to other Councils to make contact with Ashfield District Council should an individual make an application to another Licensing Authority that utilises the NR3S. It will soon be mandatory for all Councils to check and update the NR3S database as to all decisions to refuse / revoke a licence.

Applicants seeking the grant of a licence, who have cautions / convictions / adverse personal history that falls foul of our Warnings, Offences, Cautions & Convictions Policy should give consideration as to whether to pursue a licence from this Council, as should the application be refused, the refusal will be registered on the NR3S database for all other Councils to refer to.