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Local employment profile

There are over 3000 businesses located in our district. and of these there are 5 industry sectors that are more predominant:

Predominant industry sectors in Ashfield

  • Advanced Manufacturing
  • Healthcare and Innovation
  • Warehousing and Distribution
  • Construction
  • Education

Because of this, most of our local vacancies will likely be related to one of these key sectors, so it makes sense if you want to work locally that you have the right skills to meet employer demands.

One way to do this, is to learn more about these sectors and any related occupations. You can find lots of information about different occupations from the following organisations:


Prospects is a useful online platform that’s offers a guide to students to make the right career choices, but it can be used by anyone. You can also complete a free assessment to match your skills and personality to 400+ job profiles and you can search profiles to gather information to learn more about different career paths.

National Careers Service

Have a library of 800 job profiles that you can search through to gather information on what might best suit you. Each profile will show you the starting and highest salary ranges expected, working hours, what skills it takes to do the job, what you’ll do in a typical day, how you can get into this field of working and also what if any local opportunities are available to help take you there.