Total Council Tax for residents of Annesley and Felley
Band |
Annesley and Felley Parish Precept |
Ashfield District Council Council Tax |
Nottinghamshire County Council Precept |
Nottinghamshire Police and Crime Commissioner Precept |
Nottinghamshire Fire and Rescue Authority Precept |
Total Council Tax |
A |
£73.10 |
£138.09 |
£1,263.03 |
£197.40 |
£64.81 |
£1,736.43 |
B |
£85.28 |
£161.10 |
£1,473.53 |
£230.30 |
£75.61 |
£2,025.82 |
C |
£97.47 |
£184.12 |
£1,684.04 |
£263.20 |
£86.41 |
£2,315.24 |
D |
£109.65 |
£207.13 |
£1,894.54 |
£296.10 |
£97.21 |
£2,604.63 |
E |
£134.02 |
£253.16 |
£2,315.55 |
£361.90 |
£118.81 |
£3,183.44 |
F |
£158.38 |
£299.19 |
£2,736.56 |
£427.70 |
£140.41 |
£3,762.24 |
G |
£182.75 |
£345.22 |
£3,157.57 |
£493.50 |
£162.02 |
£4,341.06 |
H |
£219.30 |
£414.26 |
£3,789.08 |
£592.20 |
£194.42 |
£5,209.26 |
Total Council Tax for residents of Selston
Band |
Selston Parish Precept |
Ashfield District Council Council Tax |
Nottinghamshire County Council Precept |
Nottinghamshire Police and Crime Commissioner Precept |
Nottinghamshire Fire and Rescue Authority Precept |
Total Council Tax |
A |
£61.37 |
£138.09 |
£1,263.03 |
£197.40 |
£64.81 |
£1,724.70 |
B |
£71.60 |
£161.10 |
£1,473.53 |
£230.30 |
£75.61 |
£2,012.14 |
C |
£81.83 |
£184.12 |
£1,684.04 |
£263.20 |
£86.41 |
£2,299.60 |
D |
£92.06 |
£207.13 |
£1,894.54 |
£296.10 |
£97.21 |
£2,587.40 |
E |
£112.52 |
£253.16 |
£2,315.55 |
£361.90 |
£118.81 |
£3,161.94 |
F |
£132.98 |
£299.19 |
£2,736.56 |
£427.70 |
£140.41 |
£3,736.84 |
G |
£153.43 |
£345.22 |
£3,157.57 |
£493.50 |
£162.02 |
£4,311.74 |
H |
£184.12 |
£414.26 |
£3,789.08 |
£592.20 |
£194.42 |
£5,174.08 |
Total Council Tax for residents of all other parts of the District
Band |
Ashfield District Council Council Tax |
Nottinghamshire County Council Precept |
Nottinghamshire Police and Crime Commissioner Precept |
Nottinghamshire Fire and Rescue Authority Precept |
Total Council Tax |
A |
£138.09 |
£1,263.03 |
£197.40 |
£64.81 |
£1,663.33 |
B |
£161.10 |
£1,473.53 |
£230.30 |
£75.61 |
£1,940.54 |
C |
£184.12 |
£1,684.04 |
£263.20 |
£86.41 |
£2,217.77 |
D |
£207.13 |
£1,894.54 |
£296.10 |
£97.21 |
£2,494.98 |
E |
£253.16 |
£2,315.55 |
£361.90 |
£118.81 |
£3,049.42 |
F |
£299.19 |
£2,736.56 |
£427.70 |
£140.41 |
£3,603.86 |
G |
£345.22 |
£3,157.57 |
£493.50 |
£162.02 |
£4,158.31 |
H |
£414.26 |
£3,789.08 |
£592.20 |
£194.42 |
£4,989.96 |