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2025/2026 Council Tax by band and area

Total Council Tax for residents of Annesley and Felley

Band Annesley and Felley Parish Precept Ashfield District Council Council Tax Nottinghamshire County Council Precept Nottinghamshire Police and Crime Commissioner Precept Nottinghamshire Fire and Rescue Authority Precept Total Council Tax
A £73.10 £138.09 £1,263.03 £197.40 £64.81 £1,736.43
B £85.28 £161.10 £1,473.53 £230.30 £75.61 £2,025.82
C £97.47 £184.12 £1,684.04 £263.20 £86.41 £2,315.24
D £109.65 £207.13 £1,894.54 £296.10 £97.21 £2,604.63
E £134.02 £253.16 £2,315.55 £361.90 £118.81 £3,183.44
F £158.38 £299.19 £2,736.56 £427.70 £140.41 £3,762.24
G £182.75 £345.22 £3,157.57 £493.50 £162.02 £4,341.06
H £219.30 £414.26 £3,789.08 £592.20 £194.42 £5,209.26

Total Council Tax for residents of Selston

Band Selston Parish Precept Ashfield District Council Council Tax Nottinghamshire County Council Precept Nottinghamshire Police and Crime Commissioner Precept Nottinghamshire Fire and Rescue Authority Precept Total Council Tax
A £61.37 £138.09 £1,263.03 £197.40 £64.81 £1,724.70
B £71.60 £161.10 £1,473.53 £230.30 £75.61 £2,012.14
C £81.83 £184.12 £1,684.04 £263.20 £86.41 £2,299.60
D £92.06 £207.13 £1,894.54 £296.10 £97.21 £2,587.40
E £112.52 £253.16 £2,315.55 £361.90 £118.81 £3,161.94
F £132.98 £299.19 £2,736.56 £427.70 £140.41 £3,736.84
G £153.43 £345.22 £3,157.57 £493.50 £162.02 £4,311.74
H £184.12 £414.26 £3,789.08 £592.20 £194.42 £5,174.08

Total Council Tax for residents of all other parts of the District

Band Ashfield District Council Council Tax Nottinghamshire County Council Precept Nottinghamshire Police and Crime Commissioner Precept Nottinghamshire Fire and Rescue Authority Precept Total Council Tax
A £138.09 £1,263.03 £197.40 £64.81 £1,663.33
B £161.10 £1,473.53 £230.30 £75.61 £1,940.54
C £184.12 £1,684.04 £263.20 £86.41 £2,217.77
D £207.13 £1,894.54 £296.10 £97.21 £2,494.98
E £253.16 £2,315.55 £361.90 £118.81 £3,049.42
F £299.19 £2,736.56 £427.70 £140.41 £3,603.86
G £345.22 £3,157.57 £493.50 £162.02 £4,158.31
H £414.26 £3,789.08 £592.20 £194.42 £4,989.96