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Council Tax banding

The amount of Council Tax you need to pay depends on the valuation of your property. 

Valuations are carried out by the Valuation Office Agency (part of HMRC) and not by us as a council. Valuations haven't been changed since Council Tax was introduced in 1993. 

Properties are divided into 8 bands depending on value. 

Check your Council Tax band

How much do I need to pay?

The table shows how much Council Tax you will need to pay in 2025/2026. It is worked out on the value of your property and the area of Ashfield you live in. 

Council tax bands:

Sutton, Kirkby, Hucknall

Band Property value Council tax amount Portion of Band D
A Up to £40,000 £1,663.33 6/9
B £40,001 - £52,000 £1,940.54 7/9
C £52,001 - £68,000 £2,217.77 8/9
D £68,001 - £88,000 £2,494.98 1
E £88,001 - £120,000 £3,049.42 11/9
F £120,001 - £160,000 £3,603.86 13/9
G £160,001 - £320,000 £4,158.31 15/9
H Over £320,001 £4,989.96 2
Percentage increase - 4.50%  

Annesley, Felley Parish

Band Property value Council tax amount Portion of Band D
A Up to £40,000 £1,736.43 6/9
B £40,001 - £52,000 £2,025.82 7/9
C £52,001 - £68,000 £2,315.24 8/9
D £68,001 - £88,000 £2,604.63 1
E £88,001 - £120,000 £3,183.44 11/9
F £120,001 - £160,000 £3,762.24 13/9
G £160,001 - £320,000 £4,341.06 15/9
H Over £320,001 £5,209.26 2
Percentage increase - 4.30%  

Selston Parish

Band Property value Council tax amount Portion of Band D
A Up to £40,000 £1,724.70 6/9
B £40,001 - £52,000 £2,012.14 7/9
C £52,001 - £68,000 £2,299.60 8/9
D £68,001 - £88,000 £2,587.04 1
E £88,001 - £120,000 £3,161.94 11/9
F £120,001 - £160,000 £3,736.84 13/9
G £160,001 - £320,000 £4,311.74 15/9
H Over £320,001 £5,174.08 2
Percentage increase - 4.50%  

How Council Tax is worked out

To work out the Council Tax for a property we multiply the amount due for a property in band D by the relevant fraction shown in the final row of the table. We then round the figure to the nearest penny.

Part of the amount your pay is to fund services delivered by Nottinghamshire County Council, Nottinghamshire Police and Crime Commissioner, and the Parish Councils of Selston and Annesley and Felley. 

Breakdown of charges between Authorities

Nottinghamshire County Council

Band Amount
A £1,263.03
B £1,473.53
C £1,684.04
D £1,894.54
E £2,315.55
F £2,736.56
G £3,157.57
H £3,789.08
Percentage increase 4.8%

Nottinghamshire Police and Crime Commissioner

Band Amount
A £197.40
B £230.30
C £263.20
D £296.10
E £361.90
F £427.70
G £493.50
H £592.20
Percentage increase 4.90%

Nottinghamshire Fire and Rescue Authority

Band Amount
A £64.81
B £75.61
C £86.41
D £97.21
E £118.81
F £140.41
G £162.02
H £194.42
Percentage increase 5.4%

Ashfield District Council

Band Amount
A £138.09
B £161.10
C £184.12
D £207.13
E £253.16
F £299.19
G £345.22
H £414.26
Percentage increase 0

Annesley/Felley Parish Council

Band Amount
A £73.10
B £85.28
C £97.47
D £109.65
E £134.02
F £158.38
G £182.75
H £219.30
Percentage increase 0.1%

Selston Parish Council

Band Amount
A £61.37
B £71.60
C £81.83
D £92.06
E £112.52
F £132.98
G £153.43
H £184.12
Percentage increase 5%

Council Tax band reduction

You may be able to have your Council Tax reduced if a disabled person is living in the property (adult or child) and the property has been adapted in some way to meet the needs of that person.

To get a reduction, the property must have one of these:

  • a room, other than a bathroom, kitchen or lavatory that is used mainly by the disabled person and is required for meeting their needs as a result of their disability, for example a room used for treatment
  • an extra bathroom or kitchen which is required to meet the needs of the disabled person, or
  • enough space for the use of a wheelchair where one needs to be used inside.

Minor adaptations, such as handrails, will NOT apply.

Your bill shows if you are already getting this reduction. The reduced Council Tax is given by charging as if the property was in the next lower valuation band. For example, if the property is actually in Band C, we charge the tax as Band B. Homes in Band A can also get a reduction.

If your home has any special internal features which have been added for a disabled resident, and you believe they reduce the property's value but you do not think they have been taken into account in the valuation band to which your home has been assigned, you should contact the Valuation Office Agency. 


If you feel your property has not been valued correctly, you can appeal to the Listing Officer at:

  • address:

Valuation Office Agency
Council Tax
East Ferrers House
Castle Meadow Road

  • telephone: 0300 050 15 01.

Appeals should be made within 6 months of you becoming the taxpayer. Find out more about appealing a valuation decision

Contact us about Council Tax

You can contact us about Council Tax by: 

  • telephone: 01623 457400