Regulation 19 representations

We have summarised the key issues arising from the Regulation 19 consultation, together with a brief response to those issues in a Statement of Consultation':

Whilst the document sets out the main aspects identified by the respondents from the consultation, further details regarding individual representations can be found in SD.08a.

SD.08a Representation documents

Respondent ID Representation document name
27 Land North of Stoney Lane Selston - Town Planning
63 Whyburn Farm CarneySweeny
69 Land west of Selston Road - Wheeldon Brothers
79 Petition Stubbing Wood Farm
110 Severn Trent Water
160 Moor Road Avant Homes
193 Historic England
223 Persimmon Homes land at Teversal and Huthwaite
240 Hallam Land Management
354 Featherstone Ltd
357 Environment Agency
385 Mansfield District Council
399 Bellway Homes
400 Stags Ltd
505 Kirkby Area Residents Association (KARA)
506 NHS Property Services
550 Woodland Trust
576 Paul Maltby
579 Peveril Homes
615 Garner Holdings Ltd
625 Teversal Skegby and Stanton Hill Neighbourhood Forum
687 Ackroyd & Abbot Ltd
701 National Highways
722 Aldergate Properties
753 Bolsover Properties Ltd
755 Pleasley Community Action Group
756 Tibshelf Road Fisher German
769 Taggart Homes
770 Mark and Gillian Huddlestone
771 Westwood Jacksdale Housing G Bent
776 Brand Lane Vistry Group
777 MyPad
786 Hardwick Lane Petition
790 Mcdonalds
791 Richborough Estates
793 EMH Development Company
803 Cauldwell Road Campfield Farms
806 Arromax Property Company Ltd
812 Dukeries Homes Ltd
813 Stewart Swift
814 Harworth Group

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