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Local Plan evidence base

Evidence Base

"An evidence base is information utilised to understand the area where we live and work and to inform the Local Plan, its policies, allocations and areas to be protected. It reflects that national planning policy requires that “the preparation and review of all policies should be underpinned by relevant and up to date evidence. This should be adequate and proportionate, focused tightly on supporting and justifying the policies concerned, and take into account relevant market signals." (NPPF July 2021, paragraph 31).

Meeting the challenge of climate change and adapt to its effects

Protecting and enhancing Ashfield’s character through its natural environment and heritage

A number of different studies have been prepared to support the development of environmental policies in the Local Plan.

Building a strong economy which provides opportunities for local people

The Council has produced a range of studies to support the economic policies of the Local Plan.

Placing vibrant town and local centres at the heart of the community

These studies consider the role of the Town Centres, and retail/leisure aspects.

Meeting local housing needs and aspirations

Achieving successful development through well designed places

Technical reports

Further Information?

If you have any queries regarding the draft Local Plan consultation or if you require assistance accessing any of the documents listed, please contact Forward Planning Officers by: