Selective Licensing Review 2024

We want to hear from you!

The current Selective Licensing scheme has been in force in areas of Sutton Central and Stanton Hill  since July 2022.

Which of the following best describes your situation? (Choose the most appropriate one that applies to you)

How satisfied are you with the service you have been provided as part of the Selective licencing scheme?

Overall, how satisfied/dissatisfied are you with the area where you live?

Describe the condition of your property.

Overall, how satisfied are you with the area where you live?

Are you aware of the Selective licence Designations in Sutton Central/Stanton Hill?

Considering the private rented sector in the designated area how do you rate the Property Conditions?

Considering the private rented sector in the designated area how do you rate the Visual appearance of the area?

Considering the private rented sector in the designated area how do you rate the Fly tipping?

Considering the private rented sector in the designated area how do you rate the Anti-social behaviour?

Considering the private rented sector in the designated area how do you rate the Criminal activities?

Considering the private rented sector in the designated area how do you rate the Untidy Gardens?

Considering the private rented sector in the designated area how do you rate the Empty properties?

Since the introduction of Selective licensing in July 2022, how effective do you think selective licensing been at dealing with Property Conditions?

Since the introduction of Selective licensing in July 2022, how effective do you think selective licensing been at dealing with the Visual appearance of the area?

Since the introduction of Selective licensing in July 2022, how effective do you think selective licensing been at dealing with Fly tipping?

Since the introduction of Selective licensing in July 2022, how effective do you think selective licensing been at dealing with Anti-social behaviour?

Since the introduction of Selective licensing in July 2022, how effective do you think selective licensing been at dealing with Criminal activities?

Since the introduction of Selective licensing in July 2022, how effective do you think selective licensing been at dealing with Untidy Gardens?

Since the introduction of Selective licensing in July 2022, how effective do you think selective licensing been at dealing with Empty properties?

Since the introduction of Selective licensing in July 2022, how effective do you think selective licensing been at dealing with Enforcement activities in the area?

To what extent do you agree or disagree with the designated Selective licence areas?

Reasons for disagreeing with the designated Selective licence areas

Reasons for agreeing with the designated Selective Licence areas

What would you like to see more of as part of the licensing scheme?

Would you like to see selective licensing implemented in other areas of the Ashfield District?

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